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Old 06-10-2006, 08:29 AM   #24
12psi boost
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Location: Troy, NY 12180
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Originally Posted by Supra2NR
le me jus put it this way: putting a american engine on a supra
is jus like martin luther king joining the kkk
it jus doesnt come together
Some people will see it that way indeed.
Or like--if you had the ability to do so--to take a rooster's head and put it on an eagle or vise versa.
Or like exchange the heads of a tiger and a wolf.

This one may make more sense: swapping an engine from a Harley to a super bike or vice versa.

To some people, that is how they see it and they just will not give you any support. Asking/expecting support from people that feel that way is sort of foolish because it will never happen.

On the other hand, I believe that people should do what they want as long as it is not at the expense of others. So if it is your car, do whatever you want with it.

Just one thing though, certain cars are becoming more and more rare to come by, so if you do this conversion and keep it, that is one thing.
But if someone were to go and bastardize many MKIII's and then try to sell them, that is another thing because they are screwing up the supply of these cars unnecessarily.
Sort of like the Del Sols I see on eBay - nice cars but with so many people messing them up and ricing them, the ricers really killed off the supply of Del Sols if someone wanted a decent one.

By the way, I merged this thread from the other one because this thread was made for exchanging ideas, whereas the other one was made for a request of a picture. I once made a thread that was hijacked in which I needed help, so I know how that can be.
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