Thread: please help..
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Old 06-11-2006, 05:49 AM   #1
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: new jersey
Posts: 1
darius240z is on a distinguished road
Default please help..

heh, if you even took time to open this thread, thanks. i'm new to this forum and this is my first post. i'm seeking someone's help, as i'm sure many of you know a lot about this car. i DO NOT own a supra, although i really like them. i really don't know much about them though. i know my favorite body style is the 93-98. since i'm too broke to buy a supra, i was going to try to find an engine on ebay. now my question is, these engines.. are their like differnt types of TT engines? a lot of these hooked supra's i see, are they the stock engines with just a lot of mods? i found an engine, and i'm not sure what 'type' i'm looking at exactly.. here it is

now is that the kind of engine the supra's use that you see putting out like 700+hp? any and all help is GREATLY appreciated, thank you.
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