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Old 06-13-2006, 03:03 PM   #6
joel w
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I agree with Supra2NR, You will only make things much, much worse by trying to steal it back..

My advice would be to contact the owner of the tow truck company (not the schmuck driving the tow truck or working the lot) directly and offer to pay for the initial impound and see if they will freeze and waive the storage fees for you...

They just want to be compensated for their time, fuel, drivers pay, ect, ect.

Do not make threats to them or they will not be willing to help at all, imo.

What kind of insurance did you have on the car at the time of the theft? It may be worth contacting them about this deal...

Last edited by joel williams; 06-13-2006 at 08:28 PM. Reason: spelling and punctuations..:)
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