My 2 cents on R12
Ive been told that R134 isn't as efficient as R12 at getting cold, the compressor is bigger for R134 thus maybe more power loss for your engine unless you get a nice one like a Sanden which supposedly doesn't take much power to run and is really efficient.
The main reason people want to convert is R12 is so damn expensive and you need a License to purchase it where as R134 you don't so you can buy it at your local AutoZone and charge it yourself.
Well there is hope.
Freeze 12.
You can keep your existing system and buy Freeze 12 and charge it yourself because Freeze 12 doesn't have any CFC's and its about one dollar more than a can of R134.
I would make sure that your system is intact and up to snuff though i.e. no leaks.
The only problem is that if you do need service on your AC system, at least in Arizona, they "Say" they can't service an R12 system with freeze 12 when they fill it back up but the person that serviced my Blazer had a couple of cases by the soda machines that he must have forgotten about. I asked him if mechanics from other establishments service up a system with freeze 12 but charge for R12 and he said "Absolutely".
As far as Im concerned Hip-huggers and freeze 12 are godsends.(in that order)