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Old 06-15-2006, 12:40 PM   #3
20psi boost
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Hey thanks for the response. So you see 10 degrees above your thermostat rating just like I do around town. And its not quite 200, the gauge reads 190 then 230 with a line 50% inbetween them being 210. The needle barely makes it 25% of the way from 190 to 230, with 25% being 200 degrees. So its probably 197 or 198 but pretty goddamn close to 200. Thats under 7.7psi climbing a huge ass hill about 1 mile long.

1 more thing too, I have power to my gauge with the key just to ACC so I can monitor temp with the ignition totally off. Now, as soon as I turn the car off when warmed up, the needle always moves down about 5 degrees from where it was with the ignition on and the engine running, meaning because of all the electrical loads the resistance is a little higher when running, resulting in an inaccurate reading by 5 degrees.

I dont know maybe Im thinking to hard, I just want to know if its normal.
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