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Old 06-19-2006, 04:06 PM   #6
500whp yet?
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your goose is cooked
that light means that the car drank all the water it had and was looking for more . if your car is tapping into the water reservoir bottle "up front near the left headlight" it's not an air bubble .

it could have been an air bubble if you just did work on the coolant system but i doubt it .

keep pouring in plenty of coolant and start researching BHG

if you don't see water peeing out somewhere you got serious issues cuz that means the engine is using the water
300+ RW HP Dyno run,
jdm,mod turbo,3"exh,electfan,greddyboost
Blown HeadGasket info
My Supra KiXGaS
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