Thanks supra girl. Im just going to have to go with a regular 3" downpipe. And thanks weezle for your help, too.
I have some more questions, and once again, I don't feel like making a new topic!!

Only so I don't clutter the forum, though.
First of all how much psi can a stock ct-26 handle reliably (without causing any damage to the turbo)? Second Im curious as to how much horsepower you guys think I should get out of the following mods, and if there is anything else I would need (like fuel pump, injectors, etc) to make my car run well/reliably with these mods. The mods are: Full exhaust (3" downpipe and 3" cat-back exhaust), apexi intake, and 13 psi from turbo(with manual BC). Would it matter what order I did these mods in (like exhaust before more psi)? And that's it, everything else is stock, except for my awesome air freshener.
Also is there any limit to how much horsepower the ct-26 can take?
I already have a 2.0mm MHG with ARP studs, so im good there. I just want to cover all my bases with you guys before I do anything.
Oh yah and 1 more thing.. With so many boost gauges out there, I don't know what to pick!! Any suggestions (what do you guys use

)? And what's the difference between electrical and mechanical boost gauges, other than one is electrical and one is mechanical...?
thanks fellas