thanks.. but i was drivng the car to work today and one of the water lines busted as i was idling in the shop's parking lot..ill have to get the codes tomorrow
what i get for paying $700 american for a car who's owner didnt do a freaking thing to keep it running
had the car a little over 3 months here's what i've replaced..
heater line
line coming out of the radiator
mass air assm.
took off venom sticker on an all stock car =/
whats STILL wrong
dash lights go out when headlamps are on(fuses good)
headlights wont stay bright
targa top is leaking
6 way driver seat is only a 2 way
car smells like stale beer and a pine tree freshener
and my apologies for not including the year. its an 88
i miss my teg =[ but the supra will be a killer in about 2 years =]