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Old 06-21-2006, 11:23 PM   #8
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Default Supra's Drift (**Hands Down**)

I honestly don't think that some of these guys saying that the Supra doesn't drift have never completed a drift in one themselves. That may sound obvious, but what I mean is that if they havn't done it themselves...then BAM it can't be done.

I like others on this topic can drift with a Supra. I have a 87 turbo, stock tires, and rims and all....that thing can drift on pavement, in second if I want to. Rain is great, no questions there, it has helped newbie drifters become great masters of the art. In rain, I can easily drift in 3, fourth spools the tires too fast to do anything GREAT if your doing under 60km/h. New pavement is also a bonus.

In my opinion, I would opt to find a parking lot, like a mall parking lot, and learn how to bump your rear end out (Just a bit) around a lamp post....don't power it through...just get it to kick out, and maybe skid a bit. Increase your enter speed SLOWLY at each pass. Learn the control you need to keep your car through the small skids.

Once that is achieved, start using throttle once your back end it kicked out. Your not looking for some INSANE cool angle here either....small angles to start out with. Keep learning with more throttle till you FEEL the balance of speed and your arc. It will come to anyone who practices.

Once you can drift around a light post, with confidence...not a ONE DAY confidence this a couple times (Remember to change parking lots...cops like to nail us when we try to drift in one area to long....wonder why, arn't we helping put rubber onto their pavement??), on different days. Then maybe try to find a parking lot with TWO light posts closer together....then in the middle of the night, go there and attempt to drift around both, not a figure eight...just both of them. Keep doing this, keep remembering how it feels in different situations.

Before long of SLOWLY building up your skill, you will be able to do LONG drifts in no time. There is always room for error when drifting, and it usually happens when your doing something TOTALLY COOL. Just remember that you can come back and do that same thing again another day, if you had to pull out of it because you were unsure.

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