perhaps you could have written your post this way:
"I have a 91 Supra and was trying to sell it, except that after talking to many people I have decided to keep it. Alot of people have been telling me to put a Ford302 engine in it, and it got me thinking. Now my question is what will I need to do to make this work? Does anyone know if there is an adapter plate for the toyota transmission to go behind a Ford 302? How much cutting is involved to fit a v8 into the Supra body if any? for example what about hood clearance, trans tunnel clearance, radiator support? My sister has a camaro and we were thinking on buying a camaro the same year as hers. Using this instead of a Ford small block, I would get the engine, and she gets the body. Would this conversion be any easier or harder with an 89 camaro engine? Thanks ahead of time for your time."
Eagles may soar, but weezl's never get sucked into jet engines!