My bosch plat +4 plugs failed after about 1000 miles. My motor started missing when i gave it more than 1/4 throttle untill it was running warm. Then it still totally didnt go away. And it got worse and worse every day. I was at the point of ordering new fuel injectors, But id figured id rule the plugs out. I got cheap 2$ pulgs from pep boys and it ran fine. Theve been good for bout 3k miles now. So i not to fond of the +4s. But ive had them in my monte carlo for 3 years and it still runs beautiful. So who knows? i would def trust the NGKs tho. Why would a plug make the gasoline burn hotter? Unless other plugs dont burn the gas all the way...I figure the plug cant change the combustion reaction too much, It just ignites the gas. Im just asking someone to clarify this if they know why.
Yay the supra assistant is gone!!! WEEE!!