Ty for the warm welcome and all the responses. The Profec is supposed to be a a really great boost controller, but it hasn't done crap for me, lol. As for it being auto..it does suck...but to be honest it worked out better that way. My wife doesn't drive stick, let alone automatic very well, lol.
I couldn't find my LM-1 today, and got busy with some stuff so no new news for me. I think the AFC is all messed up as after pushing it a bit, it studders at times.
That 20 psi was for seconds too..I'm not keeping it at that, lol. I doubt highly it could hold it for long, but so far no detonation or anything else like that, at least I haven't heard any...for now it's staying out of boost.
At first I suspected it was boost spike, as it jumps up to 20 psi from around 12-14 almost instantly..But after messing with every setting I can on the Profec, still no luck. I'm about to rip all of this pretty equipment out of the car and go old school with an fmu and a manual boost controller : /
Also, I found some more info on the car, apparently it has a lexus MAF and some larger injectors..550cc I think? From what it said in the article that was with the car stuff, it's apparently a really often done upgrade?
If you guys have any more ideas or suggestions let me know, meantime I have to wait until Monday for my next day off to work on the car. If there's any information you need from me to possibly diagnose it let me know I'll see what I can do.