Originally Posted by newbsupra
sure.. 17's are nice.. if you have money for new tires and for the extra inch.. im only 16. then your spedo is gonna be wrong, and more weight.. and ur ride is going to change.. and handling.. and so on, right? besides, i think the 16's actually look pretty big on the supra, and if you lower it and inch or two, it will look great. is there any disadvantage of having chrome rims? rusting or anything? just wondering cuz ive heard different things.
chromes last forever if you take care of it and keep it polished and waxed. And no, your speedometer will not be wrong, Unless you git big ass tires. And generally the tire weighs more than the rim, so the 1 inch bigger will not add weight, it would be less if anything. 2nd, the design of the rim is most likely lighter than the supra wheels. To measure your wheels height, you take the tires size, 205/50 for example. the 50 means its 50% of the width in height. so the tires are 102.5 mm tall. Which is about 4 (25.4mm/inch). So the total height is 4+4+17(25"). The stock tires/wheels are 25.6" tall mathematically. The most accurate way is to just measure them, And apply the percentage as your speedo error. For the given example, it would be 3%. So at 50 actual speed, your speedo would read 51.5. Not much of a difference, which is why most people dont worry about it.