Thanks supra_gurl, I'll check that out soon.
First off, the turbo spools up nice. I had a dummy on there after the rebuild and this one was installed when the valves were replaced. I'm only getting 5-6 # of boost, but it/s not 0.
I still have the 6 bent valves from the belt slip. the 7m IS an
interference engine. if the belt were to break while the engine is spinning, i imagine the valves would be pounded to hamburg and the pistons would be ruined. I had to re-machine the valve cutouts in the piston tops for only 2 teeth worth of belt slip. Another tooth worth and i would have replaced 12 valves, whereas the exhaust cam is set in such a way that one set openes just before the other. only reason i can see why only 6 were bent , and only just barely. but yea... find an old supra in the boneyard, remove the timing belt, then slowly turn the motor by hand. i guarantee the motor will stop abruptly.
3rd. it does throw a code when it goes to hell. code (note cobe) 41.
tps sensor circuit. I will do more testing this weekend.
thanks for the ideas... keep em comming...
Originally Posted by suprra_girl
run a diagnostic (found in the faq section)
fix any boost leaks
that's ya first thing you need to do, could even be knock sensor problem as that will richen fuel & retard timing something silly
if your check engine light is coming on there will be codes stored
and it is highly unlikely any valves were bent as the 7m is a non interference engine 