I dissagree
Originally Posted by suprra_girl
i wouldn't worry about it as white smoke is quite normal in cold weather when warming up your engine
once you've been driving it and she's up to normal temp she shouldn't have any smoke whispering out
so don't stress 
Supra Girl, I dissagree with you, but I don't know that much...here is why.
He said that the car blows white smoke when in the morning, night and cold start. So all those times the engine would be cooler, I think. So what about a partially blown head gasket? Wouldn't it seat itself when warm...parts expand, and I would figure that this problem would bet better with warming the parts up....however there really is not enough info to make a GREAT diagnosis.
Also I live in Manitoba....and we are having GREAT weather...so he should be getting somewhere around 25 degree weather out there. So it wouldn't get cold enough in the night....I drive mine around all the time in the plus 10-20 degree nights...no white smoke. I think there is an actual problem here.....
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Our Supra’s, which art in the driveway,
Hollowed be thy power, thy mods are great, thy speed endless,
On the road or at the track. Give us this day free of cops,
And forgive us our impound charges, as we forgive those who are slow.
And lead us not into speed traps, and deliver us from the interceptors,
For thine is our car, the power, and the glory…forever and ever….amen.
Last edited by SupraSaver87; 07-26-2006 at 11:48 PM.