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Old 08-10-2006, 04:23 AM   #2
3" Exhaust
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Ok, i do not know a whole lot about this motor, i had the same problem on my civic though. Buy reving it, it moves more water, so there for its usually not the pump, i could be wrong though on this setup. A good way to find out though, is just take some wire, hook one straight to the battery, and then to the positive side of the fan, then just ground it out, let it run and see what happens. Make sure you get the car a little warmed up first, cause it will take forever with the fan running when the motor is cold. If that doesnt do it, make sure the fan is spining the right way. Is the fan supose to be pushing from the front of the radiator, or pulling from the engine side. Some fans are designed one way. To be a pusher or a puller. Try that and it will tell you if there is a electrical problem, or the water pump. If im wrong on any of this, someone please correct me. Hope this helps.
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