but appearantly it's a new technology or something using a special allow made out of aluminum mostly.
no offense to you
but car companies will say anything to sell thier cars
lets face it the vette is a strugling car in the world market
its getting left behind by the cars in its class
they are doing everything they can for it to keep up
speedwise at least
they are cutting as much weigh as they can
if it was completely alloy that would be a diffrent story
its one of the strongest metal around but it not flexible
and idk what are the other downsides
but you know
ill rather have a heavy car and be alive
than have a feather then be killed by a touch
and yes the mk3's are heavier than mk2's
maybe bcuz i think mk3's were designd as a touring car
thats why it has all those deadning material inside
it offered a little bit of comfort, and somewhat sum luxury (for the the time it was made at least)
but im working on how else i can make my car lighter
the problem is, most of the weigh being taken out
is from the back of the car
and you cant take that much from the front
wont this make the car unbalanced,
will i have any problems jumping off the line
cuz there no more weigh pushing the wheels to the ground?