Originally Posted by Supra2NR
the back of that mk2 looks cleaner than mk3's whats the deal with that
toyota engineers falling asleep on the job or sumthing?
Hehe. I guess i can be grateful (sorry dude

Update: Apparently, remanufactured.com has great deals on the 5MGE engine...but are bad at followup. I called them late last week and they said my engine was supposed to ship on Monday of
this week.

Well, keep yer fingers crossed ;-). Once everything is in and the car's running, I'll take pics and link to 'em.
(I only mention the engine b/c I need the car to run to test the system when it's in)
I also just picked up a 3 Farad capacitor from cardiscountstereos.com for like $80 (clearance). And the wireless mic came in (that's gonna be fun).
How are everyone else's projects coming along?