Thread: bleeding brakes
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Old 08-25-2006, 06:59 PM   #3
3" Exhaust
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flare wrenches, vacuum line, and an empty soda bottle.

Yes, you have to remove your wheels.

loosen the bleeder, put the vac hose over the end of it and into the bottle.
You can do all 4 like this and let it gravity bleed if you'd like... works just as good, it's just less work. It does take a while though, so only do it this way if you've got lots of time.

Otherwise, start from the furthest point from the master cyl. in order, RHRR, LHRR, RHFRT, LHFRT. Fill master occasionally so you don't run low and push air into the lines, because that just means you've got to do it all over.

You NEED a helper if you're gonna do it this way.
Gravity bleeding you can do yourself.
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