Technically drifting is just keeping the car sideways without spinning out...Which he did. Aure, Its fake, But that doesnt make it not "drifting".
a drift is a drift
a powerslide is a powerslide no other else
have you seen those oval drit races, they slide around all over the place there
spining tires too, but its not called drifting
there's a line in between
in the oval dirt race, they slide around corners, and race in dirt
they have similarities but can you call that rally racing
my point is, jus because it slides, doesnt mean it drifts
There is also a few other methods you didnt mention. Downshifting,
no offense, but this proves how much you know about drifting,
i downshift all day when im driving, it doesnt make you drift
what i wrote was the things that can initiate a drift
Letting off the gas hard (high compression bigger motors, like v8s), Flicking the car
yes this is powering over your car, and yes it works with high horsepower car that tend to drift by itself
it is the same thing with what they call flicking your car, or the turkish feint
And just plain old going into a turn hot and not crashing. You can do it in any car
yes any car can go to a turn hot, and not crash, but it doesnt mean its drifting
please dont encourage pple that shouldnt be drifting to drift
while they havent completely ruined the sport
i dont have a parking lot to do it now in here
thanks to them, all the parking lots that used to be available, has a cop hiding somewhere now thanks to them
and this is what really pisses me
this kid's parents are blaming me now
cuz thier kid copied what i did