Start with a turbocharged can't get enough air. Next, once you have a K&N air filter, and cold air intake on, work on getting all your air out....3" exhaust, Grind out the turbulant turbo elbow.
Yay, now you can START putting more fuel in this baby. At this point you could spend TONS of cash, buy a SAFMS(Stand Alone Fuel Managment System). I have to say this now....POLISH HEAD, BLOCK, AND GET A METAL HEAD GASKET! you don't want to spend alot of cash, then blow your head gasket the first time you put your foot into it.
Alright, so we got the air, now we can push that air...UPGRADE your turbo, not a new one (Unless you plan on making it over 450rwhp...not saying CT26 turbo can't do it)put a bigger compressor turbine.
I would suggest at this point that you buy new fuel pump(s), and new injectors. Put both in, and get them calibrated.
Next you will probably want to get better pistons, rods, maybe come Greddy adjustable cam gears.
That is just an intro to what you would need to do, and you would be spending ALOT of cash on making it "Stupid Fast".
Do me one favor though...PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't wrap your supra around a pole the first time you get it out, too many of these babies are rusting in junk yards, or smashed up because someone was stupid with their fast car.
My Ride:
Our Supra’s, which art in the driveway,
Hollowed be thy power, thy mods are great, thy speed endless,
On the road or at the track. Give us this day free of cops,
And forgive us our impound charges, as we forgive those who are slow.
And lead us not into speed traps, and deliver us from the interceptors,
For thine is our car, the power, and the glory…forever and ever….amen.