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Old 09-10-2006, 08:29 PM   #3
500whp yet?
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If you do it yourself, You can rebuild it with arp bolts, a whole rebuild kit, and a new toyota headgasket for under 1000. That includes new timing belt, oil pump, bearings, and all gaskets, head and bottom end bolts. The the only parts I would say replace after that are plugs and wires, cap and rotor, check all your connectors and sensors via the tsrm with a voltmeter and replace if neccesary, And make sure your TPS is reading the correct throttle and your base timing is set, And you have a motor that will run beautiful. If you want ot go a step further, get the head rebuilt too. You can just test it by laying it upside down and filling each combustion chamber with rubbing alcohol or diesel fuel. If any is gone after a few days, Get the head rebuilt. But otherwise it should be OK, just not perfect. And then after you get it backtogether get new hoses and belts and a new water pump, and do an oil change immediatley after the rebuild. Its also a good idea to get an oil pump primer and run it after the engine is assembled to get oil on everything before startup. Or you can use assembly lube, But then you have to flush your oil (or change it 3 or 4 times).
Yay the supra assistant is gone!!! WEEE!!

Last edited by Isphius; 09-10-2006 at 09:37 PM.
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