no power/electrical
i just upgrade myself from mk2 to mk3.
so is the mk2 n mk3 elect. are the same or diff. i mean the relay, switch, and fuse. are they the same or diff.
cause i just got myself the mk3. and couple of days later. the car just die on me. no power or elect. on. so does anyone know whats the problem is.
i check all the fuse from fuse under the hood and from inside the car under the foot panel. all the fuse are good. none of then burn out.
i dont have the volt. meter to test the breaker, switch, relay... so is there anyway i can test the relay or switch or breaker.
or is there any way i need to check on the engine/car.
please i need help.
i dont have any elect. at all. headlight, horn, dome light. ect... dont have power. it seens like i'm short on somewhere.
this is the problem i saw. but not sure what cause it.
before i go to work. i drove the car to park in the street, cause its blocking my other car. which the car i need to drive to work.
when i went to work. my wife call me on the phone saying that. how come the car is not start. what do i did to it. i said i havent done anything to it. cause she need to move the car little bit forward. so the mail-man can delivery our mail to the mail box. so anyway. i told her. i dont know and i havent done anything to it... so i told her not to touch it.. i will see what happen when i get home from work.
so after i get home. i start the car and the car wouldnt start. i look on the dashboard and those light doesnt come on... and i open the hook.
the fist thing i saw is the positive battery terminal was attach it to the radiator and the batttery... so i think i have some short or burn out fuse or relay. but i can't find out the problem tho.
the battery are new
the car is 7mge not 7mgte
and yes its an automatic.
so anyone give me any suggestion where to check or need to be fix. please let me know alright. i need it asap so i can take it to do smog test (smog inspection) alright. thank you. and i apprct.
Last edited by hangsupra; 09-17-2006 at 10:30 PM.