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Old 09-18-2006, 11:38 AM   #7
500whp yet?
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Its where i described. Turbo has a cps, N/A has a distributor. And supra2nr, Im not familiar with the silvia chassis/motors at all, I kust know the n/a ones are but anyways When do the flames come? when he gives it gas or lets off? Flames usually mean something is timed wrong, And its dumping too much fuel at the wrong time or igniting the spark plug too late, And if its a swapped turbo Id bet its the stock ecu not liking the boost. Anyways give me a few more details and i can help, like, was it swapped? when exactly does it backfire? and smoke when it backfires?
Yay the supra assistant is gone!!! WEEE!!
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