Originally Posted by Cody7
Ya I've got the kit but where I need to know what to bolt it up to.
If you've got the complete kit, then run a hose from the oem bov inlet location (i.e. from the section that runs to your intercooler) to smaller nipple on the lightbulb-looking piece of aluminum. In the easiest install (not ideal, but the bov will function) you'll have to cap off the oem nipple for the oem bov output/recirculation hose. If you want a better install (to prevent stalling because of the oem maf), it'll be a bit more complex: you'll have to run a hose from the output/recirculation side of your GReddy bov back to that oem nipple instead of capping it off.
A bit more info on the oem bov/'Air Bypass Valve' can be found here:
...this diagram shows which side is the input and which side is the output/recirculation. More info here as well: