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Old 10-11-2006, 09:58 AM   #4
3" Exhaust
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: perth west aussie
Posts: 75
SCRAMJET is on a distinguished road

I did mine a couple of weeks ago. Took about 45 minutes and about 3 beers. You have to take your instrument cluster out which is pretty straight forward. The speedo cable unclips from the top(underneath the instrument cluster) and unscrews at the bottom(where it goes into the tranny). The only other bit holding it in is a grommet where it passes through the firewall. Poke the grommet through the firewall and the speedo cable can be pulled up and out of the dash. Pretty easy. The hardest part was getting the grommet back in the hole in the firewall afterwards but with a bit of swearing and cursing, you get there.
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