Thread: Code 25 and 26
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Old 10-17-2006, 08:45 AM   #13
3" Exhaust
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Vancouver, WA.
Posts: 233
Murd is on a distinguished road

OK it's been a week, and AutoZone hasn't shipped my parts, mainly the Injector O-rings... GRRRR!!! Anyway, my wifes car crapped out on her, so just to have something running I put mine back together, I found a vaccuum line disconnected when I was pulling it apart anyway so had some suspicions. Got it all back together and the only thing I really replaced was the plugs, and the rotor <cap, wires and o-rings not shipped>. Ran a diag, no codes all clear. Drove it around for about 20 minutes, rechecked codes, no codes all clear.So it looks like it was a vacuum line causing the issue. I'll keep an eye on it and keep you posted on how it's running. Anyway just wanted to post a followup post about it.
1989 N/A Targa 5spd. Metallic Grey, w/grey interior. No mods done.
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