Originally Posted by pwpanas
I see. What is your absolute max rwhp goal for the next two years? If you're willing to consider a single disk clutch (see below), I can recommend at least one good option for you, based on the rwhp goal you already stated...
I have to advise you to stop using that guy as an installer because he's dead wrong. Sorry to be so blunt about it, but there's really no other way to say it. The oem fuel pump is good for over 500rwhp (through a 6spd), and absolutely anything the oem twin turbos can push out. I'd literally LOVE the opportunity to 'educate' your installer.
Agreed, but why are you limiting yourself to twin-plate clutches? There are several aftermarket single disk clutches that can hold your target rwhp... Only downside is slightly higher/harder pedal pressure. Would that be okay with you?
I would say the max goal would be around 520rwhp, yeah if you could recommend a clutch that could hold that without needing to be changed that would be great. With regards to pedal pressure, i wouldn't really have a problem with that.
I'll pass on your advise when i speak to my installer, and let you know what he says.