My car was originally under my dads name as he was the one who purchased it, but I managed to crash it and it was a pain in the ass trying to get insurance to believe that the car was actually my dads. After 3 months of interrogation from the investigators they paid out, but meant the supra was off the road for 7months getting fixed while insurance stuffed us around.
If the car at that time was actually mine then I guarantee they would not have paid out. They aren't stupid (well in this case too dam paranoid but no evidence). So yeah in the end it just isn't worth the hassle. I could've keep insurance under my dads name when I bought it I mean $500 per year is WAY better then $1600 a year but......I never want to go through that hassle again.
So yeah....if ya cant afford insurance, then don't get the car.
just my 2c's B)