Thread: more problems..
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Old 11-13-2006, 05:45 PM   #1
3" Exhaust
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: IL
Posts: 66
2JZEFINI-17 is on a distinguished road
Unhappy more problems..

Ok so last night I tried figuring out how to increase and decrease boost with my manual boost controller, and when I hit 11 psi by accident my engine started knocking so I turned it off and turned it on. Car was fine after that. I went home and did the diagnostic and like before I got a code 14 but this time I got a code 52 which is knock signal. Now I noticed that my car Idles at 1100 even when warmed up!! Any ideas why it does that? It usually idles at 650. So why did it change so drastically after I got a knock signal? I also noticed that when I was boosting 10 psi that car would die after I boosted to 10 psi in 1st gear and let go of the gas. Any help would be apreciated.
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