Originally Posted by Supra2NR
congrats, i dont know why u were driving a car with lawnmower engine
in the first place anyways
haha....Im owned on that one. Actually the Acura aint bad....Ive seen over 140mph....but it aint no sports car...and it isnt fueling the thirst I have for a faster car....which is why the hunt started for a Supra in the first place...having been a family guy for years and now the wife is a ex....I wanna have a little fun....so no real need for a luxo liner no more.
I saw you have a line on a car out your way....I used to live in Tinley/Orland area......at times I wanna move back...but the cold keeps me away :lol:
either price...$500 or $1500 is still a steal compared to the Legend....no shop touching that for under 3 grand basically and they recommend doing a TB & WP at the same time.....or in other words...more $$.
I am assuming that BHG on these cars has the same basic symptoms....air in the rad, possible oil in the water, etc??
again....I dont mean to hijack anyones thread...but didnt want to open another since we are dealing on the same subject here.