I will also give you my opinion on the 3 most cost effective upgrades. Get a header (250 ish), gut your cat out(free), get a 2.5" catback (another 200), Get an ebay air filter and adapter, and make your own air tube to get rid of that air muffler thing(very cheap, 50-100$ depending on what you get). I even used the stock air box. I noticed a bit of difference in power just cutting the front of the airbox off and switching to an off the shelf K&N filter. These motors are already very efficient, so squeezing more power out of them requires money or a compromise of some sort. And your not going to see many gains till you bore and stroke it and/or bump the compression up. The key to N/A power is flow and compression. 7m already has good flow, so you just need a bit more compression (which can also be achieved through a turbo....hehe)
Yay the supra assistant is gone!!! WEEE!!