I used dieseling in the wrong terminoligy, meaning I know its used for "running after the ignition is turned to the off posistion". It actually is running like a diesel, like lopes I guess. I have treid to run diagnosis, but I have not come up with anything, so either it not working, im not doing it right, or the diag. port aint working. I used a timimng light on it yesterday and it was in time. I am going to test fuel pressure today, and also recalibrate the TPS. As far as the water, Im not losing any, and I need to replace the upper radiator hose. Which way does the water flow by the way? The thermostat is new, and I had seen somewhere on here to raise the front of the car to get the air out of the water, so I drained the water last night, ran some dawn through it, ran clean tap water through it, flushed the system twice with distilled water. Then filled it up with anit-freeze, distilled water mixture, and some of that "watter wetter" mixture. If it is a BHG shouldnt the oil be watery. I've got the oil draining now, so Ill check that in a while. But I got some "lucas" additive, and some "stp knock stop". Well Ill try to post a video some hoe of what its running like. I guess I can post it on youtube and drop the link here.
Id rather die on my feet then live on my knees