Thread: This Sucks!!
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Old 12-24-2006, 11:01 PM   #1
3" Exhaust
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Default This Sucks!!

Well friday night i was out crusing around and i was on my way home. I left a stoplight and i heard a high pitch noise, i turned the radio off, then it made a knocking noise. I pushed in the clutch and the motor just died instantly. I tryed to let the clutch out to start it, but it wanted to lock up the rear end. THe motor is gone, wont turn over or nothing. the worse part is that we were just under a 1000 miles on the new motor. and i wasnt even beating on it. just driving home. So we decided today that we are going all out on it. ITS GETTING THE 2JZ. if we can find one. does anyone know were i can get all the instructions on putting a 2jz in a 87 turbo?? or does anyone even know were i can find this motor. i dont care how much it cost me. we want this motor. I think??? lol. Or would we just be better off with a 1jz. or goal is to get something we can find more aftermarket parts for, and be just a little more reliable. Tell you want, nothing like pissing 5,000 dollars down the drain in 10 seconds of driving, ive never felt that pissed. any ways, i appreciate all the help guys, and girls. Merry christmas to all the supra owners!!
Drive it like you stole it!!!
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