If you are both over boosting and under boosting then in my opinion its that rig of a boost controller you are using.
Where did you hook it up at?
Yea, yea I know you said you used it before, but it's not automotive quality and obviously not made for a vehicle. For instance, that regulator is meant to be subjected to just air, well now its being subjected to motor oil and blow-by gases that are very corrosive. Do yourself (or your buddy) a favor and get a real manual boost controller, they are around $100 and alot cheaper than a new head gasket (hint, hint).
You can always take it out and put it back to stock to see if it still over/under boosts. If it doesn't then you found your problem. But I'm willing to bet it didn't do this until you rigged it up.
If the connection was bad between the AFM and the harness, the car would not even run.
And come on, get a real BOV. I did the stock-vent-to-atmosphere thing but a HKS SSQV sounds SO much better.
Last edited by IHateHacks; 01-14-2007 at 03:51 PM.