quote from scruffboy: Is there anything else I should think about once I start getting to work on her? The car has 133,000 miles.
Note to Ihatehacks: sorry about my confusion, I missed that question, and focused only on the term "tune-up".
quote (by me): A "tune-up" is Ignition parts and settings, and fuel filter and adjustments. Not all that other stuff (hoses, thermostat, flushes etc).
Although, it is a great thing to do those things on a regular basis.
So.....on the valve adjust...where did you get the shims needed. How did you do it, check them all, then buy only the ones you needed from the dealer??
Any SST used? (special service tool). Do you think a 'beginner' can do a valve adjust by himself at home with general hand tools???
Yep...60k t-belt changes are a must.
And for various reasons, (like switching 180* to 195* to 180* thermostats 2x a year), I always end up changing the coolant every year, although I recommend to customers to change it every 2 years.
AND another thing (as I see this every day at work)...budget it vital. Most people aren't prepared to spend a wad of $$$ on their car in one day. They have to spread out the repairs over a month or 2 or 3.
After reading this (and a couple of others) supra forums for 3 years, I conclude that the average owner is very $$$ budgeting conscience. And with good reason. These cars are 15-20 yrs old. Lots of maintenance and repairs are needed on most to get them into good, dependable condition.
Good maintenance is a must. That's why a posted a large sign at the customer counter that reads
"It's cheaper to maintain your vehicle than to repair it, ask me how".
And I posted a picture of an engine diagram with the timing belt, so people can see it, and understand that it is a required maintanance item. But, by the time you add in the belt, tensioner, water pump, bearings, coolant flush, and labor...they are looking at $400-$700, depending on the engine.
That's why, as a Supra owner, its very cost effective to do as much work on it as you can. Try to have a more experienced friend with you when you are starting out.
Had a Red 1989 N/A. Automatic. Sports Pkg. w/wing.
TEMS, and some nice MODS. Sold to a friend 10/08/08.
Last edited by mrnickleye; 01-21-2007 at 10:02 PM.