Originally Posted by IHateHacks
"no i haven't and that's kinda ghetto.. "
Then I guess the TSRM is ghetto. Yeah, thats the DEALER repair manual. Good luck buying a code scanner for an OBD I Toyota, Mr. Non-ghetto.
Clicking front caliper? Now thats ghetto. Still got air in the lines? Then you my friend are a HACK. How many calipers did you bleed? Just the one you replaced? Well I got news for you, you must bleed all the calipers and in a specific order. You can have someone else tell you that info.
I couldn't have said it better my self "TOtally clueless."
I replaced all 4 calipers, brake hose, pads (probably not so important), the two rear brake lines coming from the t junction because the fluid was rusty and milky (we verified that the rust was coming from those lines by a good visual inspection, and the master cylinder.
I bled from right rear, left rear, right front, left front, and bench bled the master cylinder before installing it. Now the liquid is clear but their is still air somewhere. The vacuum booster functions normally.
I dunno what's up with the clicking front caliper. Tehy are rebuilds so maybe its a faulty.