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Old 01-31-2007, 07:56 AM   #3
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Vancouver
Posts: 5
ViperblueMK3 is on a distinguished road

Hey dude first mistake you went to a toyota dealership !. Find a mechanic that works private.Then call wreckers and get a used trany for like $400 they will quote higher than that but talk them down too $400 because you proberly need a new clutch and maby a clutch cly too so tottal max should cost like $1,000 Thats including install if you pay more your being riped off bud.

Originally Posted by 1985Supra
My father owns a 1985 supra. It is a 6 cyl with a manual transmission. The other day the transmission went and the toyota dealer said that if he could find a new transmission, they would put it in for him. The dealer said they would put in a used transmission for him with no warranty(which he doesn't really want to do) for $1,700. If anyone could let me know if they know of anywhere to get a transmission for this vehicle I would appreciate it. TIA
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