The gasket should be fine, we just replaced it. But the EGR looks factory. My friends who work in a shop are going to look at it because i just don't have the time to fix it. I'm sure its nothing big. PLus they have a pressure bleeder. and no i don't have ABS
I think that running the code is just going to tell us where it is. I'm not saying its not a good idea but I allready know what the problem is but its just on what is causing it.
I don't want to hear anything else about whatever it is you got upset about IHATEHACKS. Look I know you don't know me but so you understand a little better you have to realize that I have probably endured a whole lot more shit than most people in america. My mother was killed by my father when I was 3 and I whitnessed it. The amount of mental diseases from that are like a mile long. I'm by no means of the imagination rich. I'm going blind and deaf. I'm a marine and veteran of war so i've lost friends and seen some people die. I lived with blacks, whites, hispanics, asians, and pretty much any other flora or fauna you can think of. Racism is funny because of the absolute wasted effort in hating someone because of their race. Its as dumb as all the other "isms" in the world. Its also equally as stupid to get upset about it. I'm also willing to agree with some of the other guys who monitor the threads by saying it needs no more attention.
Its broke, it could be anything, and cost of repairs will greatly exceed the value of the car