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Old 02-01-2007, 10:37 PM   #4
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Australia
Posts: 3
Lambolica is on a distinguished road

I'm not sure what engines you can get over there, but by far the easiest way is to find a JZA70 half cut (front clip) and swap it all in, there is the wiring to be done but otherwise everything is there.

This is commonly done in Australia and if you have some help the swap can be done in 2 weekend (with beer breaks)

If your Supra is a 90+ model you can find an engine package and swap it in using the same crossmember, if it is pre 90 the crossmembers are different between the MA70 and JZA70 and different mounts need to be found to suit.

The swap it self is really easy if you start with a front cut as you have all the parts, the time consuming part is pulling apart and putting the front back together
Black Beauty - 1989 Black 5 Speed Aerotop JZA70

How to fix BHG - Remove 7M p00 - Insert 1JZ goodness..
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