Well, I forgot to mention there was no power when I drove the car. The turbo wasnt spooling before. Now that the exhaust is disconnected, I can hear the turbo spool, but get no boost read from the guage. I dont wanna drive it with the exhaust disconnected, so Im going to take my car to an exhaust shop and have him fix the terrible job the previous owner did on the custom exhaust. He welded everything in, and I think the cat is clogged, Imma get a new cat and have the shop do some rewelding on the downpipe. I would get an aftermarket exhaust, but I will eventually sell this car (another story). I just wanna get it running right. Plus Ive never driven anything with more than 120HP, so I want boost

So i think the backpressure from the bad exhaust system was causing the boost to only reach 1psi max. When the exhaust is unhooked, I can hear the turbo spool nicely, but that guage reads -4psi. So my problem is the exhaust, I think. Im not sure, so thats why it'd be nice to have someone come look at it. Thanks kwnate. Im pretty sure you would know a helluva lot more than I do, so we should try to set up a meeting. Next weekend Im pretty swamped. But maybe next Sunday afternoon? PM me. Thanks everyone for their replies.
Edit - Ill try blowing through the BOV tomorrow. Thanks.