HELL YES!!!!! Well, today, I fixed the timing of the car, and i revved the car up a bit (exhaust still unhooked from the O2 housing back) and I heard the turbo spool up and the once i let off i heard the BOV. It sounded sweet, but the boost guage still sat at -4psi. I said screw it, and decided to drive the car around the block with the exhaust off to see if it worked.
HOLY S***!!! The turbo kicked in hard and broke the tires loose in 2nd. I had no idea how amazing boosting was. SO i know there is no boost leak, and my turbo guage is bad. I am going to hook the exhaust back up and see if it works fine. If not, Ill keep going to forward with what I had planned, and that is to have an exhaust shop do some rewelding on the downpipe, and put in a new cat. Thanks you all for your advice, and am happy to be part of the boost addiction......FINALLY!!!