Thread: Supra Software?
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Old 02-09-2007, 08:32 PM   #10
Bill UK
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Originally Posted by scruffboy
I've seen a lot of these young kids (what do they call them, tuners?) with their Honda Civics (which to me sound like angry mosquitoes) and I often see them with a laptop computer hooked up to the car. Is there any way for us Supra owners to get some use out of this, or are our cars too old? With all the sensors on the engine, you think someone would be able to come up with some software that would let you pinpoint problem areas. Just thinking out loud here, as I know absoulutely nothing about this sort of thing.
I posted the information in response to your initial question. Quote I often see them with a laptop computer hooked up to the car” Some of the shops in the links offer software that converts the diagnostic codes into a text,graphic images or graphs, Just saves counting flashes from the ecu and writing them down. Unfortunately the Supra ecu only outputs OBD 1 codes not OBD II so I doubt if we could get any more information than we do with our paper clips. As I said I thought It would be of interest.
Obi-one Kenoby WA%3AIT&viewitem=&item=230077334385&rd=1&rd=1

Last edited by Bill UK; 02-09-2007 at 08:41 PM.
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