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Old 02-13-2007, 07:43 PM   #7
3" Exhaust
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Springfield, Massachusetts
Posts: 87
grygst76 is on a distinguished road

ALSO, with having the DP off you are introducing air up into the O2 housing where the sensor is, it will cause either extremely rich, or lean condition, ask me how i know, I had a bad leak at my manifold in my camaro where the o2 housing was, it ran so rotten it ruined my 02 sensor, and I had to change my plugs...

a glowing header or turbo means the plugs are firing way before they should be, and it causes extreme heat to build up, change your oil when your done too, and you might have to clean your turbo oil lines too, they are possibly coked up now from the oil being well over temp...
89 Turbo, no mods yet

5 speed mbc to 10psi
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