Originally posted by KingDiamond@May 25 2005, 05:46 AM
what is it with transport companies charging you extra for insurance, why not just include it in the price, don't make it a option, like someone is really going not get the insurance and leave the risk of these companies screwing up the car they just patiently sat and waited to win on ebay. besides if a transport company is in the business of transporting cars, you would think they would have to have insurance on whatever they carry anyway, so whats the extra charge for, you guys want to transport cars for a living i would think that they would be insured automatically.
well, some people already have insurance coverage that will cover the car under transport. its like saying, rental cars should come insured because theres a likely hood you will dent it. most people figure "my car insurance can take care of it" when its not always true. theres alot you need to look into on a companies policy before using there service.