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Old 03-02-2007, 04:57 PM   #8
20psi boost
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Take off whatever is in the way of the plugs, its not hard. Find the bolts/nuts that attach the parts, they will be either 10mm or 12mm, a few might be 14mm. Take off any hoses/vacuum lines that are in the way with channel lock pliers on the clamps. Disconnect any electrical connectors that are in the way. I only have pictures of a turbo tear down so I guess that won't help you. If yours is non turbo, you will need the air intake connector gasket available at any local parts store, most likely it will not be in stock so order it before you start dismantling. That's the pipe that the throttle body bolts to, its attached to the upper intake manifold by 4 bolts and 2 nuts.

Heres what you need-

Open the hatch and use that as a place to store the parts you take off and keep the bolts in order. Label the hoses with masking tape and a marker. Clean all the bolt threads with a wire brush and clean all the gasket mating surfaces with brake cleaner. Remember, these parts are aluminum and will be damaged easily so be careful if you have to scrape old gasket material off.

Just take your time, do not rush and you should be successful.

Last edited by IHateHacks; 03-02-2007 at 05:01 PM.
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