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Old 03-12-2007, 11:21 AM   #2
3" Exhaust
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Originally Posted by jfunez
major thing you guys aprove of such a thing...I it ok to put this thing on a supra?
As a muscle car owner I have often heard the debate about what's "ok to do to a car" and what isn't. I can't stand people that clone cars for the sake of resale ,but anything you do to a car for your own personal pleasure I say go for it!

What kinda power do you need for the screen? Does it have audio capabilities or will that be a seperate device? I think it's a pretty cool idea ,but I'm a nerd and my friends and I are always talking about adding tech to our cars
1988 Supra - N/A 5 speed
1974 'Cuda - 318
2001 Cherokee
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