so i start up the car fine, turn it around and back it into my driveway, so that the nose is facing down my driveway. my driveway is slanted too. get out, blahblahblah, replacing the back speakers and the moulding, remove the taillight bulbs (oh yeah. those back speakers SUCK. the outside rear screws are impossible to get out, it took me 20 minutes with a pair of pliers and a philips head attachment to get it lol. then my 4" speakers barely even fit right.) my dad points out it smells like gas really looking under the car, we see this:

this above picture is what has leaked onto the ground in about half an hour maybe. it HAS NOT leaked like this when the nose has been higher up than the tail, and didnt leak in the kids driveway. so its only leaking when the tail end is up higher than the nose.

closer pic of the gas seems to be coming from behind and above the gas tank, and between those two metal flaps. im guessing somethings leaking from higher above, thats filtering down a) between those flaps, and b) behind the tank, coming down and meeting the other gas leak. i could be wrong though.

this is from behind the gas tank. behind the gas tank as in, towards the center of the car. didnt wanna stick it any farther back (stay mature when reading that =P) because gas dripped onto my camera strap and it stinks.
overall: what could it possibly be? my dads gonna drop the gas tank sometime soon, after this damn nor'easter goes by and the snows gone again. what would it take to fix, or how much would it cost? thanks for all the info!