insurance differences on turbo
Hi I'm new to the forums and I'm sorry that my first question is dumb one but I'm getting my first car of my own soon. I have about $6000 I've saved over the last year or so from working. I've seen 2 really good ads so far on supras. One of them on a non-turbo and one on a turbo. The turbo isn't much more, has less miles, comes in red, and a leather interior. Also it's faster. So I'm leaning towards that. My main concern is insurance though. I know insurance varies from place to place but are the turbos much more to insure than the non-turbos? It's only a 30 hp difference on them but I know insurance companies also have no reasoning. My parents are going to help me out with insurance cause they're awesome but anything over $1,300 (what my sister's was) a year I have to pay for but from my understanding insurance is high in our area. Thanks for the help.