how do you post pics? Or can i email them to you? ALso i have one gray connector but i dont see another gray connector thats open with in the range of the o2 sensors wire. There is a open connector near the part that says 7MGTE on the passengers side? But it dosent reach? I will probly end up takeing it some where. Becuse i just got the car and it needs to be inspected. Will the inspection place, lets say hoffmans jiffylube just take the bolt off and then put a new one on? Will they know were to plug it in, becuse when i first opend my hood it wasnt pluges in to anything? so if some one could post a pic of where tro plug it in that would be great. And thanks for all the help!!!!!
Last edited by ethan12510; 03-26-2007 at 12:35 PM.